Innovation for nature.

Unleashing the power of science and software for planetary health and prosperity.


Our infrastructure pushes computational boundaries to generate new insights and advance science for the public good.


Our science harnesses high-resolution global data to reveal the invisible ways nature sustains people. 


Our work supports the revitalization of the planet for a just and sustainable future.

We are awash in data, yet decision-makers often lack the information they need. 

Meanwhile, scientists best poised to provide that information are too constrained by computational barriers to deliver it at the pace and scale of the decisions.  

Spring is working to address these dual challenges, filling the critical gaps in actionable information for decision-makers and building the infrastructure to empower scientists’ capability to support urgent decisions.

A revolution in resolution

For centuries, we’ve understood that nature benefits us. For decades, we’ve studied and quantified those benefits. But, because of data and computational barriers, we haven’t been able to map them at a global scale — until now. Many of the processes determining how nature’s benefits flow to people occur over such fine spatial scales — a bee flying between flowers, water trickling down a hillside — they could not be represented by the coarse resolution of previous global models. Spring is pushing the boundaries on modeling these benefits, providing more information and greater processing capabilities than ever before.


Questions we answer:

  • How has the condition of our natural systems changed over time? 

  • What are the consequences of changes in nature and its benefits to people?

  • Where are the areas most critical to safeguarding human well-being and how much of them do we need to maintain or restore?

  • What types of policies or interventions could put us on a more sustainable trajectory?

  • Who will be most affected by changes in nature and are the benefits or costs distributed equitably?